Wednesday 21 June 2017


Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to listen to the children read as I was out of class all day. I will change books tomorrow and then collect all books for the last time on Tuesday next week. Thanks in advance.

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Trips and Visitors

Over the last few weeks we have gone on our school trip to Bray, celebrated Biodiversity Week with a trip to the park, went on a treasure hunt and had a teddy's bear picnic. As part of our theme - Emergency Services we had a doctor, Garda and a member of the RNLI pay us a visit. Have a look at what we have been up to.

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Homework 6th June

There will be no written homework for the rest of the month. I will continue to hear children read and I will change books for the next two weeks.

We are learning about money this week so please ask your child to help you to pay for something using small change when purchasing one item over the week.


Wednesday 31 May 2017

Teddy's Bear Picnic

Please send you child in with a teddy bear and one treat. If the weather is not suitable we will stay in the classroom.


Monday 22 May 2017

Homework 22nd May

Jolly Phonics reader: Everyone is making great progress with the readers! Please keep completing the reading logs.

Reading booklet and reading comprehension: 'School' story. Please ensure your child writes the answers themselves. Also, encourage your child to write full sentences for their answer. Eg. for the question - "What colour is the cake?" please write "The cake is pink " rather than just the word "pink". Thanks!

Maths sheet: Finding amounts of money. Page 36 Busy at Maths Home link book. If you are in the shops this week please make an effort to pay in cash and ask your child to pick out the coins that you will be using. 

Thursday 18 May 2017


We have our class assembly tomorrow. If your child has a line please go over it with them. They do not need to know it off by heart. If your child has an African necklace make sure they wear it into school tomorrow. Thanks

Monday 15 May 2017

Homework 15th May

Jolly Phonics reader: Please ensure you sign when your child is finished with their book. Most children have progressed one level. If possible I would like each child to start the next level by June. 

Reading booklet and reading comprehension: 'Lucy's Birthday' story. Please ensure your child writes the answers themselves. Also, encourage your child to write full sentences for their answer. Eg. for the question - "What colour is the cake?" please write "The cake is pink." rather than just the word "pink". Thanks!

Maths sheet: Missing addends. This concept can be difficult for the children, we have been learning to do this with the number line. 

Bullying Sheet: Please have a chat with your child about the sheet which we started today. Talk to your child about the importance of standing up to any bullies they might see in the yard or in the classroom. We have had numerous discussions about saying 'no' to children who are being unkind to us. Thanks!

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Homework 3rd May

There is no written work this week. Please make sure home readers are completed as usual.

Monday 24 April 2017


Welcome back from the Easter Break.

Reading: Please continue to read and sign the log. Books will be changed on Wednesday and Friday as usual.

Comprehension: There is a booklet with small reading passages. Each week I will enclose a comprehension sheet to correspondence with the next story. Please allow the children to write the answers. 

Maths: Worksheet enclosed on capacity. 

There is no dictation this week. 

Friday 7 April 2017

End of Year School Trip.

On the 9th of May we will be taking a trip to Sea Life Bray.  This end of year trip is part of the curriculum and all children are required to go. We will be taking a tour of the aquarium and paying a visit to the beach. There is a cost associated with this trip - if anyone has difficulty paying please contact us.
The cost of the trip is €13.50. 

Permission slips are in school bags. 


Monday 3 April 2017

Homework 3rd April

Reading: Please continue to read and sign the log. Books will be changed on Wednesday as usual.

Class reader - The Wrong Car: Read pgs. 21 - 24 and complete oral language talk and discussion activities. This week we are doing the last page of the activity booklet. 

There is no written homework this week. 

Monday 27 March 2017

Homework 27th-30th March

Reading: Please continue to read and sign the log. Books will be changed on Monday and Wednesday as usual.

Maths: Busy at Maths workbook pg. 33

Dictation: Focus this week is on the 'y' sound, as in 'ie'/ 'igh'

Dolch booklet: Focus - 'one' (from Dolch 3) 

Class reader - The Wrong Car: Read pgs. 17 - 20 and complete oral language talk and discussion activities. This week we are doing page 5 of the activity booklet, and pgs 17 - 20 of the reader.

Comprehension: Some children will have a cloze worksheet to complete. Please work through this with your children to develop their comprehension skills. Ask your child to read the full sentence to see if it makes sense with the word they are using.

Monday 20 March 2017

Egg Cartons

Please send in any empty cardboard egg cartons you have. Thanks very much.

Homework 20th-24th March

Reading: Please continue to read and sign the log. Books will be changed on Monday and Wednesday as usual.

Maths: Worksheet (2 sides)

Dictation: Focus this week is on the 'igh' sound. 

Dolch booklet: Focus - 'could' (from Dolch 3) Please complete as many pages as your child can manage.  

Class reader - The Wrong Car: Read pgs. 13 - 16 and complete oral language talk and discussion activities. This week we are doing page 4 of the activity booklet, and pgs 13 - 16 of the reader.

Comprehension: Some children will have a cloze worksheet to complete. Please work through this with your children to develop their comprehension skills. Ask your child to read the full sentence to see if it makes sense with the word they are using.

Monday 13 March 2017

Homework 13-15th March 2017

Homework folders will be collected on Thursday.

Reading: Please continue to read and sign the log. Books will be changed on Monday and Wednesday as usual.

Maths: Worksheet. Remind children how to form each digit correctly. Encourage children to take care when they are counting the number of marbles in each hand.

Dictation: Focus this week is on double ss and double zz soundings. Put lots of emphasis on the zz sound as children can find this tricky to hear.

Dolch booklet: Please complete as many pages as your child can manage.  

Class reader - The Wrong Car: Read pgs. 9 - 12 and complete oral language talk and discussion activities (one page of book and one set of activities based on that page per night). Please sign this page each evening. If possible do not read the whole book in one go and do not skip ahead on weekly activities. This week we are doing page 3 of the activity booklet, and pgs 9 - 12 of the reader.

Thursday 9 March 2017

The Dead Zoo

The trip to the Natural History Museum was a great success. We took a tour and learned about elephants, bears, giraffes, wolves and pandas. It was fantastic to see the animals that the children have been learning about. Thankfully the weather was sunny so we got to spend the afternoon in the park. Big thanks to Elaine, Sebastian and Marta for joining us.

Monday 6 March 2017


Jolly Phonics readersBooks will be changed when your child can read it fluently (Wednesdays and Fridays). Please make sure you have singed the book. As your child advances up the levels, it may take them longer to read a book. 

Class reader - The Wrong Car: Read pgs. 5 - 8 and complete oral language talk and discussion activities (one page of book and one set of activities based on that page per night). Please sign this page each evening. If possible do not read the whole book in one go and do not skip ahead on weekly activities. This week we are doing page 2 of the activity booklet, and pgs 5 - 8 of the reader.

Maths: Worksheet included.  

Dictation: Please see this week's dictation sheet with instructions. 
The dictation this week is based on words with ll and ck sounds. We have four easier sentences and four sentences that are a little more difficult. Choose an appropriate level for your child and complete those.

Animal Project: If your child would like to do some independent research on large animals these are some good websites:
Your child can write their findings on the animals print paper in their homework folder.  

Comprehension: Some children will have a frog worksheet to complete. Please work through this with your children to develop their comprehension skills. Use the words at the bottom of the sheet to fill in the blanks. It is a good idea to cross out each word as you use it. Ask your child to read the full sentence to see if it makes sense with the word they are using. 

Monday 27 February 2017

Homework 27th February

Jolly Phonics readersBooks will be changed when your child can read it fluently (Wednesdays and Fridays). Please make sure you have singed the book. As your child advances up the levels, it may take them longer to read a book. 

Class reader - The Wrong Car: Read pgs. 1 - 4 and complete oral language talk and discussion activities (one page of book and one set of activities based on that page per night). Please sign this page each evening. If possible do not read the whole book in one go and do not skip ahead on weekly activities. This week we are doing page 1 of the activity booklet, and pgs 1 - 4 of the reader.

Maths: Number bonds to ten worksheet. It's really important that the children become very familiar with all the ways you can make ten. As they progress up the school it will be useful if they can automatically recall these. 

Extension Activity: Page 28 of the Busy at Maths Home link book 
Dictation: Please see this week's dictation sheet with instructions. 
The dictation this week is based on words with ff sounds. We have four easier sentences and four sentences that are a little more difficult. Choose an appropriate level for your child and complete those.

Thursday 16 February 2017

The Pet Shop.

This week we have been learning about the pet shop, how to look after your pet and the animals we can buy in the pet shop. Today we were so lucky as Kinsealy Pet Shop paid us a visit. The children got to hold and pet rabbits, lizards, gerbils and a chinchilla! We also saw lots of snakes, spiders and a very noisy parrot. Huge thanks to Kinsealy Pet Shop for volunteering their time and (lots) of energy!

Thursday 9 February 2017

Mini Beast Hunt

Tomorrow - Friday 10th of February we are going on a mini-beast hunt to Father Collins Park. Please make sure the children are wearing comfy shoes and warm coats. If you would like to join us we will be leaving at 9:05.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Parent Teacher Meetings

Times have gone out, please check your child's school bag. If your time doesn't suit please send me an email.

Homework 6-9th February

Jolly Phonics readersBooks will be changed when your child can read it fluently (Wednesdays and Fridays). Please make sure you have singed the book. As your child advances up the levels, it may take them longer to read a book. 

The Wrong Car WordsWe have included a pack of these words with a date for each week that we will be covering them. This week we are doing Week 5. We'll be starting the book soon.

Maths: This week there is a Data activity sheet included. Please let me know if you have not received this. 

Dictation: A suggestion would be to do one sentence per evening (complete in your child's dictation copy). 

1.             She has a tube of sweets.
2.            Soon we will see the duke.
3.            The girl played a tune.
4.             I will use the cube. 

The dictation this week is based on 'Magic e' with the vowel 'u'. 

Monday 6 February 2017

Art Resources

Hi. if possible can you please send in your child with a wire hanger and some old newspaper to be used in art.


Tuesday 31 January 2017


Jolly Phonics readers: Books will be changed when your child can read it fluently (Wednesdays and Fridays). Please make sure you have singed the book. As your child advances up the levels, it may take them longer to read a book.

The Wrong Car Words: We have included a pack of these words with a date for each week that we will be covering them. This week we are doing Week 4. We'll be starting the book soon.

Maths: This week there is an activity sheet included, front and back based on addition with three addends. (Write the answer in the hat.)

Dictation: A suggestion would be to do one sentence per evening (complete in your child's dictation copy). Please see this week's dictation sheet with instructions.

The dictation this week is based on 'Magic e' with the vowel 'o'. The children are familiar with 'Magic e' - we've been doing lots of practice over the last few weeks.

Dolch lists 3 and 4: Our whole school plan states that by the end Junior Infants all children should know Dolch lists 1 and 2. By the end of Senior Infants the children should be familiar with all words on Dolch lists 3 and 4. When your child can instantly recognise the Dolch word please tick it off. The Dolch words are high frequency words, the words we read most often. Many are words that the child cannot sound out using phonics so they must be recognised at sight. There are lots of games that you can play to help with this process. You can make falshcards, play Snap or Go Fish with these words. The following websites have lots of ideas which are easy to do.

Monday 23 January 2017

Homework for this week is in the same format as last week.

Jolly Phonics readers: Books will be changed when your child can read it fluently (Wednesdays and Fridays). Please make sure you have singed the reading log. Even if your child has not completed the book please send them in with their reader so I can get the chance to listen to them. Thanks.

The Wrong Car Words: Please complete this week's set of words.

Maths: This week there is an activity sheet included, based on addition using the number line. Please make sure the child starts jumping from the biggest number.

Dictation: We are focusing on 'magic e' again this week. It is not necessary to write each sentence on a separate page.

Green table won table of the week so they have earned a night off homework! Well done Green Table.

Monday 16 January 2017


This week we are learning about The Restaurant. We are making dishes and plates out of air dough and we are learning how to order food and how to book a table. As part of our theme on 'Responsibilities' we have worked on being responsible citizens. in the classroom.

Homework 16th-19th January

**Would it it be possible for each child to bring in two or three gluesticks? Thanks a million!

Dolch lists 3 and 4: Our whole school plan states that by the end Junior Infants all children should know Dolch lists 1 and 2. By the end of Senior Infants the children should be familiar with all words on Dolch lists 3 and 4. When your child can instantly recognise the Dolch word please tick it off. The Dolch words are high frequency words, the words we read most often. Many are words that the child cannot sound out using phonics so they must be recognised at sight. There are lots of games that you can play to help with this process. You can make falshcards, play Snap or Go Fish with these words. The following websites have lots of ideas which are easy to do.

Jolly Phonics readers: Books will be changed when your child can read it fluently (Wednesdays and Fridays). Please make sure you have singed the reading log.

The Wrong Car Words: We have included a pack of these words with a date for each week that we will be covering them. This week we are doing Week 2. If possible do not go ahead with these words.

Maths: This week there is an activity sheet included, based on addition using the numberline.

Dictation: A suggestion would be to do one sentence per evening. This week we have included a blank copy in your child's folder, as well as a Dictation sheet with instructions.

The dictation this week is based on 'Magic e' with the vowel 'a'. We have explained on the sheet what magic e is. The children are familiar with the term, and we've been doing lots of practice.

Purple table won table of the week so they have earned a night off homework.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Homework 10th January 2017

Homework for this term will consist of the following:

Dolch list 3 and 4. When your child can recognise the Dolch word please tick it off. A Dolch word is a word that the child cannot sound out using phonics so they must be recognised at sight. There are lots of games that you can play to help with this process. You can make falshcards, play snap or go fish with these words. These websites have lots of ideas which are easy to do.

Maths: An activity sheet or a page from the Busy at Maths home links book will be included in the folder. This week there is an activity sheet included.

Reading: We will be continuing on with the decodeable readers. Books will be changed when the child can read it fluently (Wednesdays and Fridays). Please make sure you have singed the book and do write a quick note to say if the level is too easy or too difficult.

The Wrong Car Words - Similarly to the 'Ella goes to the Airport' words the children will be learning these words before we read the book. We have included a pack of these words with a date for each week that we will be doing them. This week we are starting with Week 1. If possible do not go ahead with these words.

Dictation: Next week we will begin dictation sentences. Each child will have a dictation copy.

Please note we are not including handwriting this term.


Monday 9 January 2017

Homework 9th January 2017

Welcome back after the Christmas Break. I hope you all had a nice rest! Homework will resume tomorrow. As of next Monday the format of homework will change slightly and I will give more detailed information on the blog.