Friday 30 September 2016

Homework 3/9/16

The Jolly Phonics decodable readers have not arrived yet! We are putting a Sails reader into each homework folder. Some of these words are not decodable so some children will find these difficult.

Reading vocabulary prep for class novel 'Ella Goes to the Airport': 3 words EACH night. Please sign every night to show your child knows the words.
Busy at Maths Home Links book: Page 7
Handwriting pages: Kk and Cc. Please ensure your child develops the habit of forming their letters correctly. Also check your child's pencil grip. (Refer to sheets in folder.)
CVC word family 'U': Read one list EACH night.Turn over the page and write one dictation sentence EACH night. Instructions below. If children are finding this difficult one word will suffice.

Please read the following simple sentences aloud to your child. They will write what they hear. Don't forget the full stops! Please read the sentences slowly, clearly and as many times as needed. The children can use their sound chart to aid with blending of sounds. They can also use Dolch lists to copy any tricky words that the sentence contains. (Dolch words are words that cannot usually be blended using sounds, eg 'we').

1. Monday: "We sat in the sun."
2. Tuesday: "I cut the nut."
3. Wednesday: "I have a mug."
4. Thursday: "The cat is full." 

Thanks for working so hard with the children - the standard of homework is excellent!

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Shoe Boxes

If anyone has any shoe boxes they could donate to our class for Aistear we would really appreciate it. Please send them in with your children.
Thanks for the help.

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Apologies the homework is only being posted now. The internet was down in the school today. 

You have probably noticed that there is not yet a book in the folders. Sorry for the inconsistency. Myself, Julie and Fiona have discussed the need for graded decodable storybooks for Senior Infants. We ordered a complete set of Jolly Phonics decodable readers for each Senior Infants class. They are due to arrive in the next day or two. We're going to set up a system where the children can swap the books regularly. We'll fill you in on our plans at the parents meeting. 

Reading vocabulary prep for class novel 'Ella Goes to the Airport': 3 words EACH night. Please sign every night to show your child knows the words.

Busy at Maths Home Links book: Pages 4, 5, 6. 

Handwriting pages: nN and pP. Please ensure your child develops the habit of forming their letters correctly. Also check your child's pencil grip. (Refer to sheets in folder.)

CVC word family 'o': Read one list EACH night.Turn over the page and write one dictation sentence EACH night. Instructions below.

Please read the following simple sentences aloud to your child. They will write what they hear. Don't forget the full stops! Please read the sentences slowly, clearly and as many times as needed. The children can use their sound chart to aid with blending of sounds. They can also use Dolch lists to copy any tricky words that the sentence contains. (Dolch words are words that cannot usually be blended using sounds, eg 'we').

1. Monday: "The tot got a cot."
2. Tuesday: "That pot is not hot." 
3. Wednesday: "The cop had a mop."
4. Thursday: "Look at the dog and hog in the bog." 

Tuesday 20 September 2016

This week in maths we are working on the story of 5. On Tuesday we made sets of five using different objects. We have also being using the number line to help with our counting.

On Monday the children had a gymnastics session with Julie. They worked on balance. Have a look at what we did!

Monday 19 September 2016

Homework 19/09/16

Dictation Sentences

Monday - The bin is tin.

Tuesday - We have to sit in the pit.

Wednesday - There is a big pig.

Thursday - I have a pip and a bib.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

PE and GAA

We will have GAA on Wednesdays. This will start next week. Please make sure the children are wearing suitable clothing. We will be doing PE this Friday but this day is likely to change once the PE timetable has been finalised.

Monday 12 September 2016

Homework 12th - 16th September

Reading vocabulary prep for class novel 'Ella Goes to the Airport': 3 words EACH night

Busy at Maths Home Links book: Please do the first page of the book this week. (You can choose whatever night suits you to complete.)

Handwriting pages: Ss and Aa. (You choose whatever night suits you to complete.)

CVC word family 'e': Read one list EACH night. Turn over the page and write one dictation sentence EACH night. Instructions below.)

Please read the following simple sentences aloud to your child. They will write what they hear. Please read the sentences slowly, clearly and as many times as needed. The children can use their sound chart to aid with blending of sounds. They can also use Dolch lists to copy any tricky words that the sentence contains. (Dolch words are words that cannot usually be blended using sounds, eg 'she').

1. Monday: "Len had a hen in a den."
2. Tuesday: "I let the pet get wet."
3. Wednesday: "She has a peg leg."
4. Thursday: Ned went to the little red bed.


Over the last few weeks we have been busy with our Holidays theme. During Aistear the children have turned the role play area into a plane and created an airport in the Construction Zone. Keep up the good work everyone!